Boating & Dock


NEWS! We are excited to announce that this year TEIA will be receiving new floats!  They are being built by Custom Float in South Portland over the winter.  The plan is to have them installed and ready to use by Memorial Day weekend. Boating members will be notified when the floats are in and ready for use.

Members will save $150 by paying boating and dock fees before June 20, 2025. Dinghies must be attached to a boating member registration and limited to one per mooring due to limited dock space. There are four (4) kayak racks on the grass next to the beach this year and one rack on the beach. Four are strictly for kayaks, while the fifth, located closest to the clubhouse, will be divided between kayaks and paddleboards. Paddleboard slots can be identified by the fact that their slots are slimmer; kayaks will not have reserved spaces.

2025 fees

Paid by June 20:

General dock $715
Additional mooring $715

Paid after June 20:

General dock $865
Additional mooring $865
Dinghy tie-up $134
Kayak rack $134

If you need help launching or racking your craft, please see the Club Manager or Assistant Manager during their normal workday. For more information on boating and dock please contact Dock Committee Chairman Rob Meharg at Enjoy your days boating in Casco Bay!

The main and dinghy floats are usually put in service by the end of May by Custom Float Services. Be aware that the floats may be removed at any time after Columbus Day. If your dinghy is still tied to the float when the float is removed, it will be subject to removal and storage fees.

General Boating & Mooring information for prospective boating members:

  • The moorings at TEIA are privately owned by TEIA boating members and are granted through the Portland harbormaster’s office.
  • Each mooring is assigned a mooring # and location from the harbormaster. To be in good standing, you must provide the harbormaster proof of insurance, a biennial mooring inspection, and a photo of your boat.  The resident fee is $100 before March 15 and $150 after March 15.  The nonresident fee is $200 before March 15 and $300 after March 15.
  • If you want to get a mooring at TEIA, the first step is to apply to the harbormaster.  Select Area “N,” You will be put on the list and the harbormaster will notify you when a spot opens up. When the harbormaster assigns you a mooring # you then contact one of the licensed mooring inspectors to install your mooring gear.  The TEIA dock committee will work with the inspector to finalize the location.
  • If you are giving up your mooring, notify the harbormaster, and they will assign your mooring location to the next person on the list.  It may be possible to sell your mooring gear to the next person if it fits their boat. If you can’t sell the gear, it must be removed from the water. The TEIA dock committee can help match sellers with buyers. Note that if you sell your mooring, you are selling the gear only, not the location. 
  • You are responsible for the boating fee every year, even if you do not put your boat in the water. Maintenance and replacement costs for the dock and floats continue, even if you are not using the facilities but still have your mooring in the water at its assigned location.
  • If you do not intend to use your mooring during a particular year, please notify the dock committee as soon as possible so that they may try to identify someone else to use it and pay the fee. This is often possible, however if it doesn’t work out, you will still be responsible for the fee. Temporary transferred use of any mooring must be approved by the harbormaster.  The harbormaster only allows a mooring owner to sublet their mooring location once in order to be fair to people on the waiting list.
  • You are required to have a valid mooring permit every year before you put your craft on your mooring. Failure to do so has consequences. The dock committee and the Harbormaster work cooperatively to monitor this rule.
  • Dinghies, kayaks, and paddleboards kept at TEIA must have current-year TEIA stickers. Get them from Kevin Rollins, Club Manager, before launching your dinghy/inflatable or as soon as he is in residence. Also, PLEASE include your name and/or phone number inside your dinghy or inflatable transom. This helps in locating it should it disappear from the docks.
  • Happy boating!